Glamour Shots
Short Story by Diana Weeks
Becky and Beverly’s forty year friendship started at a 1968 coffee break in another neighbor’s house. The hostess declared that she was canceling her subscription of Life Magazine for having nudity on the cover. “Why the magazines are mailed straight to our mailbox and sometimes I let the children bring in the mail. I don’t want them to see such trash”.
New neighbors, Bev and Becky, walked to their next door homes talking about how foolish it is to think we can protect our children from anything, much less everything. Both assumed their kids would do everything they had done… and anything new.
Now the kids are on their own. Bev lives in San Antonio, in an apartment, near grandchildren. Becky has been writing plays in Houston since quitting her reporter’s day job. Bev has been encouraged by Becky to write something. Bev decided to write about the only thing she really knew…her life story. And use real names.
Becky sprinkled in her pants having a coughing fit… when Bev called to tell her…she had signed a contract to publish her memoir. It will be in book stores this winter. Becky is envious…she has not gotten a play up in five years. Wham, her “beginner” friend writes a hit. Bev’s publisher wants a photo for the back cover.
She calls Becky about needing to come visit…The web revealed no Glamour Shot studios left in San Antonio…but one just outside Houston in the Woodlands. Considering themselves “natural beauties” the women, now in their seventies… had laughed at those people in the rich eighties…who paid big money for a picture of themselves to frame.
The appointment was made, a financial deal cut for the copyright rights. The friends arrived on time. The pre-shooting make-over began with a foundation applied with an electric powder sprayer. It gives face and exposed skin a glowy color. The photographer looks and acts gigolo-ish, touching Bev’s cheek, head or arm directing her…in a throaty voice to “Smile”.
When we looked at the proofs something was wrong with all but one. It was chosen and a check was written….but before the women got back to Becky’s apartment…Bev had decided that her eyes were too squinty and it was the photographers fault for telling her to smile…and cause her cheeks to puff up and squash her eyes.
A friend came by and Bev explained her doubts “My room mate is a photogher…She got $400 dollars for her last shoot, you can look her up on the web under Rabid Girl Scout.
“Would she shoot a few of me for fifty if we come to her” Yes. Becky dropped Bev off and went to find an ATM for the money.
By our return the young woman had shot four frames and one Bev loved. “Look…” she sighs in awe, Bev in the picture looks like a sixteen year old saint….the white hair around her face makes a holy halo. And it’s all over Facebook, Classmates, Twitter, Photo Bucket, Flicker, Mobile Me and her web site.