Monday, July 19, 2010

Connie Fights Back

Connie Fights Back
A short story by Diana Weeks

Connie got to the Memorial Service for the deep well men on time… but she couldn’t make herself go in. She screamed in surprised agony… when she heard his name on the radio driving to Louisiana and had to pull off the highway until she could stop sobbing. Her scream was as piercing as the wicked witch from Oz.

She knew Cliff would be mortified if that happened to her in public, that’s why she wouldn’t let her mother come. .when her mother, cries she cries. .Connie had gone to her mothers as soon the well explosion hit TV screens…Connie wanted to hide and pretend she was a little girl again.

Cliff had called her from the well sight while he was waiting for his pancakes… to tell her… he’d let Bobby off early and he thanked her for his hot sex-sational wake-up call. The last thing she heard from her beloved husband were his wet smacking sounds of telephone kisses.

Memories were interrupted when she saw a back door open and a Leslie another new oil widow she recognized tip toeing towards the parking lot, a long walk. Connie started her car and went to pick up Leslie. They are both reporters, who had bonded at the last Christmas Party. Connie pulled up by her and shouted through the open window “Get in!”

“Thank goodness Connie, it’s awful…they keep talking about it.” Leslie gets in… just as they see Bobby come out slowly and stand with his face in his hands… Connie… whistles softly and gets his attention.…Bobby gets in…rubbing his leaking eyes.

Connie asks “Where’s your wife?”

Bobby leans against the front seat gap. “In there…She made me promise to quit drilling wells…take a desk job… we’ve got three kids”.

“If only they hadn’t said their names” Leslie moaned. …”like we didn’t know…”

”I’m friendless…Bobby puts the heel of his hands over his eyes. “my wife made me leave when...I lost it… Cliff had my back since 7th grad …they kept saying it couldn’t happen…”

Leslie turns and pats Bobby’s hand, like a Sunday School teacher. “My guy knew what he was up against. Before he went back out the last time… he made out his will, paid off our car and wrote notes to our grand children.”

Connie drives slowly to the shady edge of the parking. “Let’s walk; awhile”. … Bobby walks backward in front of the women. Connie..speaks softly “ Alpha dogs ..don’t just want a fair share…they want it all”

Leslie jumped in, “I’m not going to be a good sport. I want the cheapskate CEO held responsible.”

Bobby cleared his throat, “Remember that toxic gas leak in India that killed over 15 thousand of their people. India just won their law suit and ordered two years jail time for the seven top dogs at Union Carbine for…neglecting the employees safety. Greed may be going out of fashion.”

“I researched the web yesterday” Connie confided, “and found out lots about our Alpha… like he lives with his Widowed Mother…He’s certainly not a son of a bitch…She is a Lady who cares about the future of our planet.. I e-mailed her and told her our side and she actually answered.

“His mother is royal… a daughter of a Knight…. She’s on the Board of Directors for an active charity favoring moderation and peace. Tuesday she’ll be at a charity committee meeting for high tea at the London Savoy….She invited me to come over the pond and speak to them. Leslie I hope you’ll go with me.”

“I’ll go and take pictures…Leslie agreed. “Alpha’s lied to governments, employees and John Q.”

Connie smiled. “We’re going to tell… his mother… on him.”

“Oh look, the people are getting out” Bobby says hurrying toward the crowds.
He shouts back at them…”Don’t get too frisky”.

“The Lady said she was already mad at her son…for risking lives for money. His dead father would just die if he knew. she confessed. She may decide to run for office…to write tougher rules for safety”.

“You never know what will happen when you get a British Lady angry…she might take him out of her will!” Leslie announced and they laughed… really laughed… for the first time in weeks.


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